Monday, May 08, 2006

Biking High, Then Exhaustion

I went biking yesterday from the north side all the way up to the Botanic Gardens and Highland Park. 31 miles! I love to spend all day outside, and push myself to the physical limit. It's fun! And it was a great ride!

However, I'm getting to an age where I don't bounce back as quickly from this type of thing. After I biked to the point of exhaustion, my friend and I then ate a chicken finger dinner and had a glass of beer. Whoops.

Now, it's Monday and I'm feeling all sick. I threw up this morning and just feel physically exhausted and run down. What was I thinking eating chicken tenders and beer after all that exercise and sunburn? So after a nap, I downed a whole bunch of Gatorade and homemade chicken soup for what it was worth in my recovery. I also slept an additional 4-6 hours today.

So next time I bike 31 miles, I'm going to take it a little more seriously. Drink Gatorade instead of beer. Eat veggies instead of fried chicken. Because, well, exercise shouldn't have to be that hard!

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