Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Your car is broke? Ask "The Millionaire"!

There is a particular coffee shop near my house that has extra-weird people working in it. I always have a slightly odd exchange with whomever is working there. There was a new barista there today, and while I was waiting in line, I overheard him talking to another woman customer.

She was relating the woes of her car being in the shop, and how she couldn't get her car out because she didn't have the money to pay for it.

He pointed his arm straight up to the sky, with his index finger extended and said,

"Ask the Millionaire."


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    WTF?! That's quite interesting....Hm....I should go around our office doing that today. See what sort of reactions I receive!

  2. Yeah, I think "Ask the Millionaire" could be a good answer for a lot of questions. But I wondered, "hmm, God is only a Millionaire???"

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Even better, what if he was just pointing to the apartment above the coffee shop, and we've looked at it totally wrong?! :)
