Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Miz M's an Aging Hippie

Miz M's Farmer's Tonic

Last week I had my 27th birthday. This week, I've decided to make all these changes in my life. Go figure. The first change is to combat my weird congestion with a teaspoon of honey. Over the past 24 hours, I've upped the dosage to take a little of the above "farmer's tonic" each day. It can't hurt, right?

I've also been fed up with uncomfortale shoes so yesterday I went and bought some comfortable ones. I was planning on getting some Dansko clogs, viewing them as more "european" than "hippie," and definately comfortable. However, when comparing them with a pair of Earth shoes, the Earth shoes cradled my feet in a happy, happy way.

So now I wear "Earth" shoes. And I drink a Farmer's Tonic. I told a friend this and she said, "You're turning into a hippie." Which is not something I aspire to at 27 years old, and in my opinion, firmly rooted in modern times.

But, as the guy at the shoe store told me (after I had decided to buy the shoes),

"You may get a second chance at life, but you only get one chance at feet."


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love the feet quote - so true. Life's too short to be in uncomfortable shoes. I LOVE my Born shoes. Some of the styles are not good, but I absolutely love how comfy they are. I thought Dansko's were too hard for me.

    I'll have to look into the Earth brand. And don't feel bad. I would love to be a hippie. How's the cider tonic? I saw that at Whole Foods the other day.

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Where did you ever hear of honey curing congestion??! I think it's funny that you've become a hippie. Who wouldv'e guessed...

  3. Mappy - that brand of apple cider vinegar is definitely "cidery," which makes it good.

    Julie - there is a book out called "Robbing the Bees" that is all about honey. It's not so much that honey cures congestion, but rather boosts your immune system response to local allergens. That's the story anyway...
