I had a strange dream last night that I was walking around my neighborhood carrying around a 40-lb dog under my arm, when suddenly her belly swelled because she was going to have puppies. I had to put the dog down and deliver the puppies right there on the street. When I had this dream (in the morning) I was lucid enough to feel irritated thinking: "this is the second dream I had in one night where I had to deliver a dog's puppies. WTF?!?"
I woke up and I realized that if I had to deliver puppies twice in one night, I either missed my calling as a veterinarian, or my unconscious mind is trying to tell me something more symbolic. I think it has to do with a project at work that I'm working on, which requires a lot of analyzing other people's thoughts and synthesizing them to create some new ideas. It's hard mental work! Apparently like delivering a dog's puppies????
I also had another dream last night that I was riding around in someone's car. Michael Jackson's song "Rock With You" was playing and I said, "Haaaay. This is my song."
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