Monday, July 02, 2007

Mercury In Retrograde?

A few years ago I knew a woman named "Sage" who was a massage therapist. I knew Sage from some friends that were in performance art "bands," and I would see her around at different concerts and art events around town. One time I was chatting with her at a concert and it went something like this:

Sage: How ya doin'?
Miz M: Ugh, things have been so crazy lately!
Sage: Well, Mercury is in retrograde.
Miz M: Huh?!
Sage: It makes everything out of sorts.

I've since lost touch with Sage and her friends. But I still say that phrase all the time when things are going oddly wrong. If someone has a random miscommunication with a friend or coworker which is blown way out of proportion, my response is: "Maybe, Mercury is in retrograde?" Then I chuckle to myself. Ridiculous!

Mercury was recently in retrograde (June 16 - July 10). And, seriously, all kinds of that stuff was going wrong. My direct deposit didn't come through, a friend got money stolen out his account, another friend was charged for a hotel room three times at 5 times the rate. What's up, Mercury?

Reliable source, sums it up when it says:

Retrograde Mercury is the most commonly known astrological signature for Murphy's Law ("If something can go wrong, it will"), and is one of the first features intermediate astrology students learn about. Say it to a seasoned astrologer and you'll likely get an amused smile and some delightful stories about how things can get quite unexpectedly unhinged.

Computers crash, software develops unexpected glitches, traffic jams ensue, telephone service snarls up, letters get lost on the mail, machinery breaks down, new projects fail. Ah, yes, the trickster Mercury is up to his old pranks again. In fact, at least three times a year for about three weeks each time Mercury has his way with us.

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