Thursday, January 18, 2007

PJ Reclamation

So I think that the statute of limitations has expired on this story, which makes it okay to blog...

I went out with a guy for awhile last year, long enough to leave some pajamas at his house. Come to think of it, I left the pajamas at his house (I asked if it was okay), but the next weekend, he broke it off. Maybe there is some connection...? Anyway, I made sure that they were not my most favorite pajamas just in case something went terribly awry and they were to be lost, but I thought I'd at least make an effort to get them back.

It turned out that the weekend following the break-up, I was a few blocks from this guy's house to go to a craft fair with some girlfriends. I thought, "Perfect. I'll even have reinforcements - crafting chicks - to soothe the awkwardness and get my PJs back lickety-split." So I called dude, which of course went to automatically voicemail, and left a message like:

"Um, HI! I'm in your neighborhood for a CRAFT FAIR with some friends. And I thought that, you know, since I HAPPEN to be RIGHT HERE, that I could just pick up my pajamas from your house. That is, if you aren't in Mexico* this weekend. COOL. BYE!"

No matter what, calling someone who just broke up with you ultimately makes you sound slightly crazy. However, I had the moral support of my married crafting friends at the time, who got a huge vicarious kick out of the whole situation. Unfortunately, they were not with me when I retrieved the pajamas at lunchtime later that week.

*One of the reasons this dude broke it off with me was that I couldn't 'financially' go to Mexico at the drop of a hat. However, he did not go to Mexico that weekend because he didn't have his passport. So actually, I was better positioned to go to Mexico at the time than he was. I'm just saying!

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