Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ups and Downs

Back to it. I'm realizing that there are changes I need to make in my life, now that I'm in a different stage of life. I think I'm getting it, and then I feel like I'm not. What I mean to say is, I used to love meeting my friends out at the bars and catching up on grad school topics and gossip. That's not working for me in Madison. For one, I don't have many friends here, and I don't have any good friends. So going out to the bars ends up being a drag, especially when my one pal has all sorts of guy drama in town and we end up seeing said guys around town at the places we go. Not too fun.

Instead, what I think I need to be doing is yoga and more cooking and something creative. I love doing these things, and they make me happy, but I also deeply need companionship. This week I found an awesome yoga class. The people were genuinely friendly and the atmosphere was happy. It felt great and energizing. I went on a long walk afterwards, and did a painting, even though it wasn't very good. Now that I have a little more social energy, I want to start trying things I like and therefore meeting people. I know that it won't be lonely forever, and that I should try to take advantage of my free time to cultivate a stimulating life. If I'm happy, the rest will follow, right? For now, I want to keep fixing up my apartment, and finding visual inspiration to stoke my creative and peaceful mind.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Miz M!!! Amen to this post. You've inspired me to do some creativity-seeking as well.
