Friday, February 10, 2006

In the Company of Pigeons

I left work early yesterday and I saw a heartbreaking sight on my way home.

An older man was standing in a plaza. He was there to feed the pigeons, and like pigeons accustomed to being fed, they perched all over his arms and head. The man was bobbing his head to touch the pigeon feathers to his cheek.

It made me so, so sad. How lonely would someone have to be to try to get comfort in this way?

Unlike many people, I like pigeons. They are guarunteed company for all kinds of lonely people in plazas all over the world. See the "rant" I wrote on pigeons here. It's part way down the page and signed as "Margie McNorkus."


  1. Was the guy in Lincoln Square? If so he's been there for years, the Tribune even did a story on him. I think it was published last spring.

  2. Here is a link to the Tribune article on the Pigeon man.
