Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Highest Number of Characters Per Capita - Bridgeport

I've been exploring the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago recently.
The more I explore the neighborhood, the more old time Chicago characters I meet and hear about.

Bridgeport is almost like its own town. It contains the remnants of the Chicago stockyards, a history of political clout, and a lot of people whose families have lived in the neighborhood for generations. When the stockyards were first built, Bridgeport was located at the exact city limits of Chicago. No one in the city wanted the stink of the stockyards nearby, but because there was no refrigeration back then, they couldn't be too far away because of rail shipping.

Back in the stockyard days, all the blood, guts, and gunk would be washed from the processing plants into one of the original "headwaters" of the Chicago River, infamously and ever after named Bubbly Creek due to methane gas created from decomposing animal parts. There is much historical lore about Bubbly Creek, and I will tell you that a lot of stories still exist in the minds of the people that live in the neighborhood, as if they were passed along in the genes.

Take a walk through Bridgeport you may hear for yourself about so-and-so's uncle who scooped the lard out of Bubbly Creek and sold it on the streets as soap. Or about the inspectors that would walk out to the creek to check that the meat processing was using all the correct animal parts and discarding all the wrong ones. Meet the people who have hung on to manufacturing businesses there, despite the folding of the manufacturing industry in the Midwest.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    A great site to look at is the Chicago Crime website if you're looking to move. I'm interested in crime mapping, that's how I know of it. I don't know the Bridgeport area at all. I miss Chicago. That, and I've been CRAVING Portillo's Beef & Cheddar Croissant!!!
