Yesterday I was hanging out in my living room when I noticed some odd movement out of the corner of my eye - it was a bat in the house! After screaming and hitting the floor, I immediately called my landlord who was heading back to town from a day of drinking on the river. He said, "I don't like it, but I'll help you get it out." Then I called my friend K* who apparently has trapped several bats and released them, and asked her for some tips. So, I tried to solider up and I trapped the bat in one room with an open door to outside. Then I threw something at the bat until it flew around and I *thought* that it flew out the door and I felt all good about how independent I was.
Well, the "bat crisis" ended up being more complicated, of course. I thought I'd gotten the bat out but no dice - it was flying around again and I swear, bigger than ever about 20 minutes later. So at 10:30 p.m. my landlord and his girlfriend and their friend with an enormous beard came upstairs with several tools of the broom closet variety. However, after much pondering, we used the trap in a cup technique; slide off the wall with some beer cardboard. Bearded friend did all the dirty work, with girlfriend wearing a beekeeper hat, and my landlord just laughing like a goofball. Good times.
Great story! I've had to remove a bat myself. It's tricky and a little scary.