Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ups and Downs and Ups Again

More end of the semester confessionals and reflections have occurred over the past few days.
One girl shared a haiku she had once written about her kneecaps, which she wrote at some restaurant called Haiku, while dining with her physical therapist. Uh-huh. You can't make this stuff up.

More potlucks and parties, and just a little more work to go.
The presentations are done and I just have one more beastly little problem set before my first year of graduate school is complete. Yes!

On a more serious note, I went to a memorial service yesterday for a librarian that passed away. I did not know him well, but he helped me out with a project last semester, and I really liked his personality. His death was very sad because he was very young, but I did feel inspired in the celebration of his life. I glimpsed some of my own dreams - having a family and a dog, sharing joy with family and friends about little things in life (the song, "Let It Snow"?), and also about the importance of pursuing intellectual passions, and embodying those ideals in some way. For this man, it was very important to share information and pursue intellectual thought and intellectual integrity. And I really admired this idea that was conveyed so strongly by his family and friends. I hope to have my intellectual passions and pursuits resonate more deeply throughout my life. I hope that my loved ones understand my sense of humor and the things that bring me joy. I hope to be the most full and effective and loving version of myself.

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