Saturday, December 09, 2006

Cocktail Wieners in the Crockpot

So a friend and I are hosting a work-related party tomorrow, and we decided to make those magically delicious cocktail wieners that sit in the crockpot. When they are served at parties, they are super tasty and disappear much more quickly than anything with, say, spinach in it. Of course the special ingredient is the delicious sauce. A little research revealed many different concoctions for the sauce which included varieties of the following ingredients:
- grape jelly or currant jelly
- cocktail sauce or chili sauce
- ketchup and/or mustard
- bourbon
- brown sugar

Finding this variety of recipes was no easy matter. Apparently, cocktail wieners in the crockpot is too low brow for Hee! But since the recipes varied so widely, and since it was difficult to use a cook's intuition to evaluate the different recipes (um, grape jelly and cocktail sauce? how could that possibly be good???), I had to consult an expert. Conference with my mother revealed her grandmother's recipe:

"Oh, DEFINITELY currant jelly. And, um, chili sauce that would be in like a ketchup-type bottle. And, you know, the cocktail wieners."

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