Today in my metalsmithing/jewelry class we learned about roller printing and sawing copper. I don't have a pretty picture for you this time because we didn't finish the project. First we imprinted the copper with some sort of textured thing. The most interesting imprint that I found was by pressing a piece of thick lace tablecloth between two copper pieces in the rolling machine. Zowie! It kind of looked like a textured animal print. Like a alligator. But, again, made from a scrap of tablecloth.
Then we had to saw the copper with these microscopic saws into a predetermined shape. It was really hard! Both because I used my hands in a new physical way (hand cramps!) and also because of the complexity of learning a new activity - left hand clamping the copper, right hand relaxed but upright with the wrist cocked back while sawing. It was so hard to keep the right hand relaxed even though it really helped with the sawing! And the concentration required of course made for the crunched shoulders, bad posture, and the lil' tongue sticking out of the side of the mouth.
A lot of the ladies in the class decided just to stick with rings because they were so frustrated. I enjoyed the challenge, however. It got me tensed up and excited about something not related to drama about work or dating. Also, the concept and experience of working with metal is interesting and weird in and of itself. I always thought metal was so rigid, but it turns out that it is quite malleable and there are many tricks to easily changing its form. It's kind of mysterious and cool.
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