Here are the highlights:
- I met over 20 guys from many different countries, from many different regions of the US, and from many different ethnic groups. Each "predate" was 3 minutes long, and I'm happy to report to the ladies that the majority of the eligible guys were totally fun to talk to and not unattractive.
- There were only 3 guys that I talked to who I would consider "oddballs," slightly frightening, who made a bad impression in our three minutes of heaven predate. Three out of 25? If those odds can be applied to the general public, those are pretty good odds!
- The most *unique* complement I received was that my teeth are "very-well aligned." Is saying, "You have a great smile," so hard???
Speed dating is a fun weekend activity to do with your single friends. But speed dating is not for the faint-hearted or self-conscious, and I think it's unlikely to generate a date. In addition, trying to charm all those fellas left my charms depleted for two long days!
See the kind-of funny Wikipedia definition of speed dating here. Make sure to read the theory about "sniffing out" a mate. Ew.